Thursday 27 June 2024

Blog Tour - Our Radiant Embers by Zarah Detand


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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Our Radiant Embers
By Zarah Detand

Our Radiant Embers Cover

Their rivalry? Explosive. Their chemistry? Magical.

When a regrettable drunken hookup becomes your partner in a high-stakes magical project, sparks are bound to fly—just not the kind Liam Morgan was hoping for. Teaming up with Adam Harrington, the golden boy of a legendary magical lineage, was not on his to-do list.

Adam, the epitome of tailored perfection, has accepted the need to lock his true self in the closet. Liam, on the other hand, wears his nonconformity like a badge of honour, challenging the elite’s silken norms with every step he takes.

Tasked with revolutionising urban development in an eco-friendly manner, their forced collaboration is marked by snark, resentment, and a magnetic undercurrent of attraction. But as their reluctant partnership turns into a bond that’s hard to deny, a plot for power simmers, threatening to unleash chaos that could sweep the city into a maelstrom of uncontrolled magic.

This contemporary MM romance is a romp through a magically infused London. It interweaves snappy banter, enemies to lovers, and political intrigue with a slow-burn kind of love that can save a city.

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Well then. Game face on.

I accepted a glass from a passing waitress with a murmured thanks. She shot me a surprised glance from underneath demurely lowered lashes, and right, yeah. Acknowledging the hired help was not industry standard in these circles. But five years ago, I might have been in her place—just enough magic potential to orbit around those who mattered.

I reminded myself that I belonged. No, I couldn’t trace my lineage back to, say, the Middle Ages—hell, I couldn’t even trace it past my grandmother. But I had every bloody right to be here. Even if I was wearing one of only two designer suits I owned while most people in this room had likely chosen from a whole wardrobe of options.

The practice of publicly ranking families on the strength of their magic had largely fallen out of favour, but we still catered to them, didn’t we?

Except I didn’t bow anymore. Not to anyone.

“Well,” a wry voice said from behind me. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

I didn’t bow to anyone, no. And especially not to Adam Harrington.

Slowly, leisurely, I turned and raised my glass in a friendly salute. “Adam. Opting for a tried and true classic on the insult front rather than using your brain?”

His smile didn’t waver. “I’d respond, but I’d rather not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.”

God, he was infuriating. He carried himself with all the inbred entitlement of his family clout, a prince among commoners. Dark curls and hazel eyes that watched me with thinly veiled derision, and if I squinted just right, the warm, orange glow of his magic was so bright it bordered on blinding. Fun fact, though? He’d just about melted into me when I’d dragged my teeth along his throat.

IG Sized ORE Teaser 3

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Our Radiant Embers, Zarah is giving away a paperback or eBook of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link:

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Zarah Detand Logo

About the Author:

Author of M/M romances. Chaos monkey and coffee snob. Loves a good book, a well-crafted White Russian, and long walks to the closest supermarket.

People in love with other people is her jam, with a particular penchant for snappy dialogue and a slow burn that is all the more satisfying once it finally catches fire. Playing with tropes of the famous-meets-non-famous variation? Bring it on! Fake relationships? Yes, please. All’s fair as long as everyone gets their happy ending.

Connect with Zarah:


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Release Blitz - Heart Wood by Katey Hawthorne


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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Heart Wood
By Katey Hawthorne

Heart Wood Cover

The Stone City and the Heart Wood: uneasy neighbors separated by the Blue Bird River. In the City, Hendrik is about to lose the only life he's ever known, the only love he's ever wanted. In the Wood, corruption threatens the carefully cultivated ecosystem and Dagan's way of life. Two worlds, fated to collide at last.

It could be the end. Or a new beginning.

This version includes the prequel, The Verders.

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Check out more of Katey’s Book on Goodreads



The man, now wearing a pair of battered leathers and a stained, sleeveless shirt, spun, holding a paring knife. “Who’s there?”

Dagan stepped into the clearing. Quickly, it became clear this was some sort of camp; a deflated sack hung on a nearby branch and a small shelter—a roof, really—had been constructed out of a ragged blanket and branches. A dirt pit with charred wood was clearly the cooking fire, and a rack made of sticks perched over it, hung with limp weed Dagan didn’t even recognize. Must’ve been from the sea.

He held up both hands and examined the pale man carefully.

The man waved the knife but with an efficiency that suggested he knew what to do with it. “Who sent you?” he asked in a flat-voweled accent.

“You’re from the Stone City.” Dagan had heard the accent before. “It’s alright. If I wanted to sneak up on you, I would’ve done it ages ago.”

“Is that meant to be reassuring?” The man’s brow crinkled. He had the most arresting blue eyes, bluer than Dagan had ever seen before. Like the reflection of a clear summer sky in the Heart Spring.

“Far more reassuring than the knife you’re waving at me.” Dagan said with a small smile. The man was, on closer inspection, young and fit. That said, there was enough space between them that Dagan could be long gone before the man ever reached him, if he took it into his head to attack.

The man said, “You’ve got a bow. And a much bigger knife.”

“Yes, but I’m not waving them at you. It’s not so much the existence of your knife that troubles me, more the waving of it.”

The man looked at him for a long moment as if confused. Then at the knife. He lowered the hand that held it. “Fair enough.”

“I’m a scout of the Heart Wood. Name’s Dagan, of the Black Walnut Grove.” He put a hand on his heart in formal greeting.

“I’m…” The man licked his lips and shook his head slightly. Then, after a brief silence, finished with, “Hendrik.”

“Of the Stone City,” Dagan repeated, just to be sure.

“No,” said the man. “Well, I was. How did you know?”

“The accent.” Dagan moved closer, examining Hendrik more thoroughly now the danger seemed mostly removed from the situation. Very tall and well-muscled despite the ragged state of his clothes and hair. A face composed of flat planes and angles that might’ve been carved from wood or stone and never quite polished off for softness, obvious even under the scraggly, brown beard. He was altogether handsome, Dagan decided, but the eyes were positively magical. “And the camp. You’re not used to this life, are you?”

Hendrik looked over his shoulder at the sad structure. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Oh, darling, everything.” Dagan gave a little sigh. “I can help you with a new one, if you like. Or you could come with me; I’m charged to bring refugees back to—”

“Refugee?” Hendrik cut in sharply.

Dagan frowned. “Are you not a refugee?”

“I’m no….” But he trailed off, shaking his head. “Refugees come from the other side of the City. From the wastes. Or the mountain. Not from the City.”

“Well, perhaps, when you’re actually inside the City. But as you can see…” Dagan gestured to the trees around them.

Hendrik nodded tightly.

Dagan waited for him to reply to the previous question about how he could be of service.

Hendrik just looked at him, up and down, and not in the way Dagan enjoyed being looked at by handsome men. His bright eyes were hooded, alert. Suspicious.

“What are you, then?” Dagan finally asked.


Dagan wondered if perhaps Hendrik wasn’t too bright. It was sometimes the way, with the big, burly types. The forest gods wouldn’t be so unfair as to endow one of their creations with every good thing, would they? How would the rest of them get anywhere in life? “What are you, if you’re not a refugee, Hendrik? I’m trying to decipher how I can assist you.”


“Because it’s my job.”

“What’s your job?”

“I’m a scout of the Heart Wood.” This time, Dagan spoke slowly, enunciating as if speaking to a toddler. “And if you’d be so good as to tell me what you are, that would be very helpful.”

Hendrik’s sharp jaw worked for a moment. Then he slipped the little knife into a makeshift sheath at his waist and said, “I guess I’m nothing, now.”

“And when did you come to the Heart Wood, little nothing?” Dagan slung the bow and then his pack off his back, then knelt before them.

Hendrik gave a snort. “I’m little?”

He was most certainly not, being a good six inches taller and far broader than Dagan, but, “Would you rather be a big nothing? That just sounds cruel.”

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Heart Wood, Katey is giving away a $10 Book Voucher to the store of your choice!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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 Katey Hawthorne

About the Author:

Katey Hawthorne loves queer romance. Originally from the Appalachian foothills of West Virginia, she currently lives in Pittsburgh with her family of one other human and many furry creatures. In her spare time, she enjoys travel, comic books, B-movies, loud music, video games, Epiphones, and Bushmills. Her favorite causes include animal rescue and bisexual representation in media. She is an unashamed fangirl and collects nerdy tattoos like she’s trying to prove it.

Connect with Katey:


Monday 24 June 2024

Thin Ice (Audiobook) by Lane Hayes


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Audio Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Thin Ice
By Lane Hayes

Narrated by Nick J. Russo

THIN ICE audio cover

The Elmwood Stories, Book 4

The hunky dad, the hockey coach, and a new start...


Elmwood isn’t good for my love life. Hey, I’m a positive person and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about small-town living, but I haven’t had a date in years. That’s fine—my son is and always has been my number one focus.

Except now he’s grown and gone. And it’s lonely.

Okay, yes, the new hockey coach is hot and single, but he’s off-limits. Smitty’s trouble with a capital T, and his baggage might outweigh mine. Besides, we said nothing would happen after “that” night. It was a one-time, never to be repeated deal.

At least…that’s what I thought.


Am I sad about retiring from pro hockey? Honestly, no. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t in pain. I need a rest and I could use a distraction from unwelcome memories at home. Stat.


Look, we all know I won’t last a whole season of coaching high school kids, but stepping in till they find a better candidate is a good temporary plan. And Bryson’s here.

There’s something about the hot dad with the sunny smile and bad dad jokes that makes me feel alive again. I’m not in the market for forever—been there, done that. Look, I’ve taken risks for my sport, but I’m not giving my heart away again. I know thin ice when I see it.

Or do I?

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Smitty gamely followed me to the next vignette at Pinecrest’s premiere home and furniture boutique. “It’s a coffee table, Bry. It serves two functions—a footrest and a place to leave dishes…and the remote control. Anything is fine.”

“Yeah, right,” I huffed. “Somehow I doubt the guy who couldn’t live with yellow walls and had lots of opinions about the sectional he special ordered doesn’t care about the coffee table that will go in the same room.”

Smitty darted his gaze around the store and leaned in close. “Places like this intimidate the fuck out of me. It smells like a perfume factory and everyone is smiling…but their eyes are dead. Like they’re zombies. Is this a Pinecrest thing or a bougie thing? I don’t do well with hot cotchure.”

I burst into laughter. “Haute couture?”

“Sure, whatever.”

I brushed my hand against his in a show of solidarity, then linked our pinkies for a brief moment and pointed at a handsome dark-wood coffee table with a wide base. “What about that one?”

Smitty shrugged. “Looks nice.”

“I think so too.” I clandestinely checked the tag. “Yikes. It’s pricey. Let’s keep looking.”

“Do they have a coffee table with cupholders?”

“Absolutely not, and why would anyone want a cupholder in a coffee table?”

Smitty widened his eyes comically. “Are you kidding me? Why would anyone not want a safe place to plop a cup? You never have to worry about spilling a drink or knocking it over, and you wouldn’t have to fumble for it when you’re watching a game, ’cause your cup is right where you left it.”

“Okay, that’s a whole lot of nonsense. And thankfully, a moot point.” I glanced at our surroundings as if to be sure that was true and noticed the salesperson watching us from the register. I couldn’t remember her name off the top of my head, but I was pretty sure I’d sold her and her partner a house two years ago. I lowered my voice and added, “They don’t have such a thing, but even if they did, I’d stop you from buying it.”

“How? I’m bigger than you. And I’m fast. I could whip out my credit card in a flash and shove this fucker into my truck before you could say ‘No, bad table!’ ”

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Thin Ice, Lane is giving away the Winner's choice of an audiobook or ebook of your choice from her published works!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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Lane Hayes

About the Author:

Lane Hayes  lives in sunny Southern California with her amazing husband, who thankfully doesn’t mind cooking, and their fabulous fox red Labrador, George, who’s pure mischief. Both provide oodles of inspiration for the low-angst, humorous books Lane loves to write.

She’s been telling stories about sexy, funny, sometimes geeky and quirky men who find love for a dozen years now and loving every minute. In her previous life, she sat at a desk and dealt with numbers, so yes…romance is much more satisfying!

Lane loves tea, travel, and chocolate…in any order. Add a book and she’s set!

Connect with Lane:
My Readers’ Group, Lane’s Lovers:
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Wednesday 19 June 2024

Blog tour - Point Blank (Audio) by Morgan Brice


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Audio Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Point Blank
By Morgan Brice

Point Blank Audiobook

Badlands, Book 6

Sexy psychic Simon Kincaide and skeptical homicide detective Vic D’Amato are getting married--if the ghost of a murderous magician doesn’t get them first!

Simon and Vic’s wedding is just a few weeks away, and they’re hoping for a little peace and quiet to wrap up work before their honeymoon, but nothing ever goes that smoothly.

Strange circumstances around the death of a retired stage magician suggest supernatural involvement, bringing Simon in on the case. The dark secrets of a long-ago resort hotel lead to a trail of unsolved cold cases that have a chilling similarity. Old scandals, malicious magic, and vengeful spirits expose a web of lies, deceit, and death that is headed for a reckoning.

Can Simon and Vic solve the murders, stop the ghosts, keep Simon’s mother from crashing the party, dodge last-minute wedding disasters, and still make it to the altar on time? Or will the shadows of Myrtle Beach’s haunted past ruin everything?

Point Blank is a fast-paced thrill ride MM paranormal romance packed with supernatural suspense, sinister sleight-of-hand, mysterious monsters, psychic visions, hot men, hurt/comfort, loyal friends, wedding planning, found family, ghosts galore, dark magic, and an evolving, established romantic relationship with all the feels.

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Join us over on Instagram for more of Point Blank!

You can also enter the giveaway on our Instagram post or click here for your chance to win an e-copy of your choice from Morgan or Gail's backlist!

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“Now I know why people elope.” Simon Kincaide studied the email from their caterer with last-minute menu substitutions. His fiancé, Vic D’Amato, split his attention between a how-to video and his image in the living room mirror as he struggled with a bow tie.

“I’m not quite desperate enough to elope, but I finally understand the appeal of clip-on bow ties.” Vic sounded resigned and a little chagrined.

“I will tie yours before you commit sacrilege with a clip-on,” Simon replied without looking up from where he sat at the table. “How can shrimp be this expensive? We live at the beach!”

Vic dropped the tie on the table and went to stand behind Simon, casually rubbing his shoulders. Simon leaned into the touch, bending his neck to give Vic full access.

“Vendor problems?” Vic kneaded the tight muscles. Simon closed his eyes and let his head fall back against Vic’s belly.

“Price changes and shipping delays.” Simon sighed. “Supply chain stuff, I guess. And in the grand scheme of things, none of it matters. We’re getting married, that’s what counts.”

“Without shrimp?” Vic feigned horror and then broke out laughing at the annoyed expression Simon gave him.

“I love you enough to marry you without shrimp,” Simon confirmed. “But the chocolate fondue is non-negotiable.”

Vic dropped onto a chair beside Simon and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Honestly, just do the best you can with the catering and don’t stress. My family is likely to show up with a month’s worth of frozen pasta dishes and enough cannoli, pizzelles, and Italian wedding cookies to feed an army because, for us, food is love.”

Simon gave him a look. “If that’s the case, should I be worried you don’t cook more often?” Humor softened his question.

“I grill,” Vic defended. “And I’ve got Mom’s lasagna and spaghetti sauce recipes down pat; I’m just not particularly awesome at anything else. Which is why I survived for so long on takeout and leftovers.”

“You’re awesome enough for me.” Simon pulled Vic in for a kiss.

“Enough of that, or we won’t get anything else done tonight.” Vic’s expression indicated he wouldn’t mind being distracted.

“Rain check. I need to give the caterer a list of acceptable substitutions—type of food and price—tonight, and there’s also something here from the photographer to be reviewed and signed.” Simon sat back in his chair. “I never knew getting married was so exhausting!”

Vic took Simon’s hand and laced their fingers together. “But think how nice it will be to celebrate with our friends, and then we’ll be husbands forever.”

Simon gave him a tired smile. “I know. These are all ‘first-world problems.’ I’m just tired from today at the shop, and I was hoping I could come home and crash.”

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About the Author:

Morgan Brice is the romance pen name of bestselling author Gail Z. Martin. Morgan writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance, with plenty of action, adventure and supernatural thrills to go with the happily ever after. Gail writes epic and urban fantasy, with less romance, more explosions.

All of the modern-day Morgan Brice and Gail Z. Martin series crossover, so characters from one series appear in cameos and on page in important secondary roles in books from other series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the more you read the more the expanded universe of friendships and connections becomes clear.

Morgan and Gail believe that paranormal elements make any story even better, and her worlds are full of ghosts, psychics, shifters, creatures, vampires, monster hunters, and magic.

She's also a huge fan of the TV show Supernatural. (Chibi art by Kamidiox)

She's @MorganBriceBook on Twitter, @MorganBriceAuthor on Instagram, and can also be found on Bookbub, Goodreads and Pinterest (as GZMartin).

Find Morgan at and her reader group at

oin her newsletter here:


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Release Blitz - Our Radiant Embers by Zarah Detand


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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Our Radiant Embers
By Zarah Detand

Our Radiant Embers Cover

Their rivalry? Explosive. Their chemistry? Magical.

When a regrettable drunken hookup becomes your partner in a high-stakes magical project, sparks are bound to fly—just not the kind Liam Morgan was hoping for. Teaming up with Adam Harrington, the golden boy of a legendary magical lineage, was not on his to-do list.

Adam, the epitome of tailored perfection, has accepted the need to lock his true self in the closet. Liam, on the other hand, wears his nonconformity like a badge of honour, challenging the elite’s silken norms with every step he takes.

Tasked with revolutionising urban development in an eco-friendly manner, their forced collaboration is marked by snark, resentment, and a magnetic undercurrent of attraction. But as their reluctant partnership turns into a bond that’s hard to deny, a plot for power simmers, threatening to unleash chaos that could sweep the city into a maelstrom of uncontrolled magic.

This contemporary MM romance is a romp through a magically infused London. It interweaves snappy banter, enemies to lovers, and political intrigue with a slow-burn kind of love that can save a city.

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Well then. Game face on.

I accepted a glass from a passing waitress with a murmured thanks. She shot me a surprised glance from underneath demurely lowered lashes, and right, yeah. Acknowledging the hired help was not industry standard in these circles. But five years ago, I might have been in her place—just enough magic potential to orbit around those who mattered.

I reminded myself that I belonged. No, I couldn’t trace my lineage back to, say, the Middle Ages—hell, I couldn’t even trace it past my grandmother. But I had every bloody right to be here. Even if I was wearing one of only two designer suits I owned while most people in this room had likely chosen from a whole wardrobe of options.

The practice of publicly ranking families on the strength of their magic had largely fallen out of favour, but we still catered to them, didn’t we?

Except I didn’t bow anymore. Not to anyone.

“Well,” a wry voice said from behind me. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

I didn’t bow to anyone, no. And especially not to Adam Harrington.

Slowly, leisurely, I turned and raised my glass in a friendly salute. “Adam. Opting for a tried and true classic on the insult front rather than using your brain?”

His smile didn’t waver. “I’d respond, but I’d rather not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.”

God, he was infuriating. He carried himself with all the inbred entitlement of his family clout, a prince among commoners. Dark curls and hazel eyes that watched me with thinly veiled derision, and if I squinted just right, the warm, orange glow of his magic was so bright it bordered on blinding. Fun fact, though? He’d just about melted into me when I’d dragged my teeth along his throat.

IG Sized ORE Teaser 3

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Our Radiant Embers, Zarah is giving away a paperback or eBook of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link:

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Zarah Detand Logo

About the Author:

Author of M/M romances. Chaos monkey and coffee snob. Loves a good book, a well-crafted White Russian, and long walks to the closest supermarket.

People in love with other people is her jam, with a particular penchant for snappy dialogue and a slow burn that is all the more satisfying once it finally catches fire. Playing with tropes of the famous-meets-non-famous variation? Bring it on! Fake relationships? Yes, please. All’s fair as long as everyone gets their happy ending.

Connect with Zarah:
