Friday, 28 July 2023

Read Around the Rainbow - Summer Reads

It's that time again when the Read Around the Rainbow group get together to discuss the topic of the month. 

This month we've chosen a slightly less contentious topic - Summer Reads. Does anybody else read that and immediately burst into song in the style of Summer Breeze by The Isley Brothers. 🎵 Summer reads make feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind. 🎶 No, just me. 

🎶 Oh, summer, summer reads 🎶 

But do they make me feel fine? Well, honestly, no. It's not that they don't make me feel fine, I just don't register them at all when picking a new read. There's lists a plenty whenever a new season/event/holiday period arrives. I'll often check out lists of Christmas reads, definitely hit the Pride lists like a boss, maybe even a Halloween list or two. But beach reads just don't appeal. 

Maybe I associate them with chick-lit (nothing wrong with chick-lit if that's your jam, I read enough Queer Romance that is probably the equivalent). Maybe it's because although I love a holiday near the sea I don't really have a 'beach holiday'. No lounging on a beach towel, sipping cocktails and getting a tan for me. 

Lists for Queer 🎵 Summer Reads 🎵 do exist. A quick Google search provided half a dozen of them. So why do they not register on my radar? I actively search out Christmas/Winter stories in December, so why not Summer stories come July?

Maybe it's because I don't write them. Or I don't write what I expect them to be. No sun, sea, and sand. No budgie smugglers or pina coladas (and they always start me off on a different song).

I have written a novella set around Midsummer, which is the first day of summer, so I guess that counts. 

“Come and honour the Oak King.”

The countdown to the company solstice picnic is one of Shawn’s favourite times of the year. The scents of sage, mint, basil, sunflower, and lavender fill the air as the workshop mixes up the final batch of Litha, their solstice soap. It’s celebration time! This year, Shawn has an extra spring in his step, and it’s all for the new buyer, Tim. Shawn’s fine having a crush on the gorgeous new straight guy. Until he isn’t.

As the clock ticks down to Picnic-Day, Shawn’s confidence and Tim’s sexuality become mired in doubt and second guesses. It’s a minefield of embarrassed glances and missed opportunities. Seems like they’ll never get together…

To cap it all, Shawn’s drawn Tim in the secret solstice gifting. What to get for the quiet man who turns Shawn’s legs to jelly and has the best underwear hanging from the washing line in his garden? And will that tempting rainbow of colour be forever seared onto Shawn’s brain?

Just Hanging Out is a 72 page novella, available at Amazon and on Kindle Unlimited. 

* miscommunication 

* crushing on the straight guy

* inappropriate presents 

* Midsummer

* company picnic

* British characters and location 

Check out my fellow RAtR authors on this subject. 

Ally Lester - #RAtR: Seasonal Reads, yes or no?

Nell Iris - Read Around the Rainbow: Summer Reads

Ofelia Grand - Read Around the Rainbow | Seasonal Reads

Ellie Thomas - Read Around the Rainbow: Summer and Seasonal Reads

Addison Albright - Read Around the Rainbow ~ Summer/Seasonal Reads #RAtR

Fiona Glass - Read Around the Rainbow: What Makes a Summer Read?


  1. I haven't read that one of yours! Also...soap making. This sounds more enticing that my own experiments with lard 😱

    1. Lard! OMG!
      I had great fun researching soap making. Can't be arsed to do it myself but I tend to only buy handmade soaps now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
