Sunday, 30 August 2015

Another excellent review for Lovers Entwined

A 5 'Victoria Cross Medal' rating review from Bike Book Reviews.

"This is one of those books that you wish you could read over and over for the first time!"

"...a beautiful love story that is timeless and beautiful in the telling!"

"This book is epic... you don't just get one love story, you get several, but get out your tissues, because you WILL cry!"

"Thank you Lillian, for a love story that is so big it spans centuries!"

Read the review in full here.

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Saturday, 29 August 2015

Final day of the sale

Today is the final day of Love Lane Books 11 books, 11 days sale.

It's your last chance to grab Theory Unproven at the reduced price of $2.99.

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Friday, 28 August 2015

Fiction Friday

This the rest of the post from last Friday and concentrates on my August reads.

Let's see what I've enjoyed...

Weight of Silence (Cost of repairs 3) by A. M. Arthur - Not my favourite of the series but the MCs were younger than I prefer to read. Consequently I could forgive some teenage dramatics. Still enjoyed being back in this series though.

Falling Away by Lisa Henry - First things first, this is a free read from the m/m romance group (the 2013 collection). Very short, bdsm, thrown straight into a sex scene. I should have hated this, but I didn't. In fact I loved it just a little bit.

Second Hand by Heidi Cullinan & Marie Sexton - Second visit to Tucker Springs. Really enjoyed this story, even though Paul had the ability to annoy in places. These author's work well together and I'd happily read more of their collaborations.

The Lonely Drop by Vanessa North - Another free read from the m/m romance group (2014 this time). Oh Nick, how many times did I want to slam my Kindle into your face? How could you be so blind, so oblivious. *Sigh* A beautiful story of pining, bittersweet with thoughts of all those wasted years, beautifully written.

Forbidden Broadway by Jonathan Penn - Free from 2015 m/m romance group event. Cute free short story. I had a couple of niggles (unnecessary journey descriptions are unnecessary) but nothing to stop my enjoyment of the story.

Full Exposure by Amy Jo Cousins - Another freebie from this year's group offerings. Spoilt rock stars aren't normally something that catch my attention. But lucky for me I didn't read the blurb on this. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.

All Man by Jay Northcote - “You’re the sleek little sports car to my Land Rover.” The tag line for this short story is just perfect. And this book is a sleek little sports car: small but perfectly crafted and designed to get your engine running.

Hopefully I'll have had the time to add the reads from the 21st to now to this list. I'm currently reading an anthology and have a couple of recs from that to offer up for your enjoyment.
edit: Still reading the anthology plus one other. You'll have to wait until September to find out what...

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A 4.5 star review for Lovers Entwined

This time from Bayou Book Junkie.

Rating: 4.5 Stars.

"This was a really interesting read. I love how the author blended the past with the present in such an intriguing way."

"I adored Ewan"

"Very recommendable read"

Read the review in full here.

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Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Theory Unproven on sale

Theory Unproven can be picked up for a bargain price of $2.99 until 29th August in Love Lane Books '11 books, 11 days' sale.

Want to know what the reviewers have been saying about Theory Unproven before you buy? Check out the books main page with links to reviews.

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Monday, 24 August 2015

4 star review for Lovers Entwined

MelanieM over at scattered thoughts and rogue words has given Lovers Entwined a brilliant 4 star review.

"Lovers Entwined by Lillian Francis is a moving, romantic story, one that I loved."

"I was sobbing like mad several times in this story, even though I knew it was coming.  But the power of the descriptions and the emotional strength of those moments won through and I was lost."

"But (Ms) Francis handles each flashback and couple almost as a separate story, giving them the attention each is due.  She gives us a real connection to every reincarnation, and as that love is lost, all that affection and hope is transferred to the most recent couple…Ewan and Trey."

"Lillian Francis is quickly becoming a “must read” for me.  I loved her “Theory Unproven“, and now her “Lovers Entwined”.  I highly recommend both of these stories and author Lillian Francis!"

Read the review in full here.

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Saturday, 22 August 2015

The 11/11 Sale - Focus on Me!

Pop on over to Love Lane Books where I am blogging on  Eric is opening a parcel from his gran and thinking about the things that he misses from home.

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Friday, 21 August 2015

Fiction Friday

Where has the time gone? I can't believe that I haven't done a Fiction Friday post since the 10th July.
I've read loads of books in the weeks that I missed. I guess a quick mention of those books that I enjoyed will have to do.

The Fall by Kate Sherwood - Come on, it's got a cowboy in it, we all should know by know that they are my weakness.

How the Other Half Lives by Clare London - Highly recommended for a quick, low-angst, amusing read.

The Billabong by Jack Byrne - Historical set in the Australian Outback. Quite a gentle read. I understand the series turns paranormal at some point in the future but there is no indication of that here.

Helping Hand by Jay Northcote - Wanking with a mate isn’t gay—as long as you keep your hands to yourself. Seriously, the tag line says it all. GFY/OFY. I don't care what label you hang this story, you need to read it. Sweet & sexy. It even moved me to a few gentle tears.  Jay Northcote writes characters that you really care about.

The Quiet Within by Olley White - A free read from the mm romance group. A well written, slow burn story of love and reconnection between estranged friends. A quest, magic, guardians, betrayal and a sweet love story. Low/no sex in a YA/NA style story.

Bollocks! - Anthology. 
This anthology contained 3 brilliant stories:  
Sheep's Clothing by Elin Gregory - Great shifter story
It Could Be You by Anyta Sunday - Friends to Lovers
Written in the Stars by Lily Velden

These are just a few of the books that I read in July and my favourites. I'd quite happily reread most, if not all, of these stories.

I'll do a separate post for August and hopefully that will bring me back up to date.

What about you? Do any of these stories tickle your fancy? Have you read any of them? Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

11 books, 11 days

No this is not a post about my reading plan for the foreseeable future (although it probably could be).

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It's the summer sale at Love Lane Books.

11 books, 11 days, all at $2.99.

And Theory Unproven is in amongst the books being offered. That is almost half the regular price. So if you were ever thinking of picking up a copy, now is the time to do it.

Prices will be going down at Amazon, ARe, and other third party sites.

Here's the link to the masterpost over at Love Lane Books where you can find out about the other ten books involved in the sale and the buy links.

Also each author will be blogging on the subject of summer/heat. In mine Eric muses over the things that he misses about England. I'll post a link here when mine goes live.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Bad blogger is bad

Just to let you know I've not fallen of the the face of the earth.

I've have many blog posts planned (including a catch up on what I've been reading), however I'm in the middle of edits at the moment for New Lease of Life and all else has pretty much fallen by the wayside.

There will be a post tomorrow with some details of a massive sale price for one of my books.

See you tomorrow :)

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Theory Unproven - Eric gets an email

Eric frowned at the screen of the ancient desktop computer, partially surprised that he actually had an internet signal but mostly because the most recent message in his inbox, dated yesterday, was from Tyaan. And it had an attachment.

Eager to know what information Tyaan thought was important enough to email him, and knowing the signal wasn't likely to be there for long, Eric opened the message.

Howzit Eric

Did you know today is World Elephant Day? Lavish your charges with even more care and affection than you would normally (if that's possible).
I'll have a treat for them next time I make a supply drop.

See you a week Tuesday


Tyaan was sending him random stuff from the internet. He might as well of said 'I saw this and thought of you'. Tyaan was thinking of him! With a grin he couldn't stifle Eric clicked the link to the attachment.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

I feel like Old Mother Hubbard

But if your cupboard isn't bare then take advantage of the 50% rebate to pick up one or two of my books. My page at ARe is here.

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The All Romance Reader Android App comes with a library pre-loaded with six free ebooks, courtesy of, the largest and oldest independent seller of Romance eBooks in the world.
With the All Romance Reader App for Android, readers can browse sixty categories or focus their search by specifying a particular title, author, series, publisher or keyword. Search returns can then be further sorted by best selling, top rated, recently added, heat level, length, title, or price—including discounted ebooks and freebies. They can also access ARe’s bestseller list, discover what's trending, or peruse picks selected especially for them. Highlander warriors, spaceship captains, pack leaders, vampires, doms, bad boy bikers, billionaires, Navy SEALs… ARe has them all.
Those with the App will easily be able to take advantage of special rebates, discounts, sales and promotions. They’ll be able to use the wish list feature to help plan for a nd manage future purchases. Then rate and review the books they’ve already read to help others make selections. “The best part is that we’re celebrating the release by offering a 50% rebate on thousands of titles on Sunday, August 9th (US/Central),” said Lori James, CEO of All Romance. “For the first time our Customers will be able to download and read their purchases using the App's robust reading features, or tap on our nifty gift icon to send it to a friend. And, our multi-format files are easy to share and read across platforms. An iOS version will be coming soon.”
Download the All Romance Reader for Android to:
• Browse, buy, and read seamlessly. 
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• Search by title, author, series name, publisher, keyword, or category—we have sixty.
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Saturday, 8 August 2015

Just in case you missed some

Here's a list of all the stops on the blog tour

August 3:
Hearts on Fire - Guest post (Jobs in m/m romance)
Man2ManTastic - Excerpt

August 4:
Sue Brown - Book Review (5 stars)
Diverse Reader - Excerpt

August 5:
Prism Book Alliance - Guest post (Film Noir)
Drops of Ink - An interview (including a mini excerpt from my WIP)

August 6:
BFD Book Blog - Excerpt
The Purple Rose Tea House - Excerpt

August 7:
Love Bytes Reviews - Guest post (History and cheesy TV theme songs)
Bayou Book Junkie - Book Review (4.5 stars)

Don't forget all these posts have a link to the giveaway. You've still got about 9 hours to have a chance to win.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

What the hell has film noir got to do about anything

I've been chatting about Film Noir over at Prism Book Alliance as part of the blog tour for Lovers Entwined.

Film Noir, you say. What has that to do with anything? Read the post to find out. I ask a question at the end of the post and I'd be interested in any recs.

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Another stop on the blog tour

 photo Lovers Entwined jpeg_zpsjubdnnjo.jpgI've been interviewed over at Drops of Ink. Find out if I'm a pantser or plotter, what my superpower would be, and much more. Plus there is a small excerpt from my current WIP.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Review for Lovers Entwined

A lovely review for Lovers Entwined over at Sue Browns Stories.

"Definitely a 5 star book. I adored Lovers Entwined and read it in one session. Normally I'm wary of the dream sequences but Lillian handled them skilfully and led us into their entwined lives down the generations. As the book progressed I wanted to kick Trey as he dangled on the hook of his relationship but that was handled so well. Lillian didn't make his fiancée the 'villain', so much as a woman whose focus has changed. Trey and Ewan's relationship is gloriously spiky and sweet at the same time. Well worth reading."

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Monday, 3 August 2015

Release Day for Lovers Entwined

It's release day for Lovers Entwined. My first foray into self-publishing (even if it is a previously published work) and as such it fell to me to arrange the promo too. I had some ridiculous idea about doing it myself and then realised that I had neither the time, the contacts, nor the know-how. So I contact Sid Love over at Creative Minds Promotions and let him take all the stress (well, some of the stress) out of things.

So I'm going to put my feet up and... nope, I better let you know there is a blog tour going on all this week. Blog posts, interviews, reviews. It's all happening. And a giveaway, of course.

TITLE: Lovers Entwined

AUTHOR: Lillian Francis

PUBLISHER: Finally Love Press

COVER ARTIST: Meredith Russell

LENGTH: 98,950 words

RELEASE DATE: August 3, 2015

BLURB: Ewan Matthews is one of Boston’s leading genealogy experts. When a would-be bridegroom comes looking for confirmation that there are no skeletons in his ancestral closet, Ewan considers turning the job down. Trey Capell is a jerk of the highest order and yet Ewan experiences an infuriating attraction that’s easy to justify. Trey’s exactly his type—a carbon copy of the man Ewan’s been looking for his entire life.

Harder to explain is the sense of recognition that leaves Ewan speechless the moment Trey steps into his office. Or the stomach-churning sensation at the thought of casting the job aside. Trey gets more appealing by the day, leaving Ewan struggling with forbidden desire for his client. Desire not helped by strange voyeuristic dreams that have started to haunt his sleep. Dreams that appear to be an echo of the past.

August 3:

August 4:

August 5:

August 6:

August 7:

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Cover Models – The good, the bad, and the overused

One of the advantages of self publishing is that you have total control over your product and this is never more obvious than in the cover design.

While many publishers will attempt to accommodate your wishes, what happens when your vision and the publisher’s art department don’t mesh. It’s bad enough when the cover has little or nothing to do with the contents on the inside. But when they get the concept you’re trying for but compromise with carelessly picked cover models; that can be heart-breaking. So close and yet so far.

When you are self-publishing you can pick your own cover artist, someone whose style gels with your own and fits the tone of your story and who can create the image you have eagerly conjured up in your mind. That is why I decided to use Meredith Russell again after the stellar work she did on Theory Unproven. In contrast to TU, where I detailed exactly what I wanted on the cover, for Lovers Entwined I just gave Meredith the gentlest of nudges in the right direction and let her do the rest. Until it came to picking the cover models. Then it was great to be working with someone who was happy to cater to my every whim (whilst being far too professional to call me a fussy bitch).

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Lovers Entwined is still available at the special pre-order price. 

So how do you turn characters from your imagination into flesh and blood renditions on a book cover?

You could go all Sleepy Hollow and have a pair of headless (or at the very least faceless) torsos.

You could go with something that features no people at all. Some of these covers are really effective. However, as a reader I like figures on my covers.  To me covers with two male figures imply m/m romance, and three figures prepare me for some type of ménage relationship.

If you are lucky enough to have something drawn for you then that will probably get you as close to your character as it is possible to get, just so long as you can communicate the vision in your head to the artist.

I know some people, having learnt from experience, have the cover model in mind before they start writing. I can actually see how that would be advantageous, having the model in front of you at all times as you’re writing.

Or you can trawl through model after model looking for the right combination of features to suit your character.  Hair can be trimmed, lengthened, or dyed. Eye colour can be changed. Clothes (or even bodies) can be swapped. But even when you find some possible examples it’s still not that simple. Do you want your book bearing the same model that graces hundreds of other covers? Do you want to appear on Chris’ Misadventures over at stumblingoverchaos? (Maybe you do, because any publicity is good publicity, isn’t it?) Personally, I would be inclined to reject models that are used too regularly elsewhere or that are already associated with popular characters within the genre.

Taking all that into account you can limit yourself to a small pool of candidates and then it’s just a matter of working out which best fits the character and, occasionally, whether the position/stance of the model fits the cover.

But no matter how much time you spend picking the models (and believe me when I say these guys took many hours and numerous emails, Meredith will back me up on that one) there will always be someone that tells you they don’t look like the characters.

How important are the cover models to you when imagining the characters?

Are there any cover models that you can think of that fit the characters perfectly?