Wednesday 24 July 2024

Release Blitz - Something Borrowed by Lily Morton

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Something Borrowed
By Lily Morton

Something Borrowed Cover

Confetti Hitched, Book 2

Stan has never let his blindness hold him back, but he’s beginning to realise his love life is keeping him from moving forward.

He can’t remember a time when he wasn’t in love with his best friend. Rafferty is everything to him—his partner in crime, his confidante, and the person who understands him best. But Rafferty is incapable of reciprocating Stan’s feelings.

As a successful wedding planner, Rafferty is passionately committed to helping newlyweds begin their happily-ever-afters, but after a rootless childhood he’s equally determined not to seek his own. How can he trust in love and marriage when so many of his brides and grooms are repeat customers?

Stan is the glue that keeps the pieces of Rafferty’s life together, and as such Rafferty has always kept Stan safely in the friend box where he can’t lose him. However, lately that conviction has wavered and now Rafferty is bursting with complicated feelings for his best friend. The timing couldn’t be worse because Rafferty has realised he’s in love with Stan just as Stan is moving on.

From bestselling author Lily Morton comes a friends-to-lovers story about realising you have the perfect man when you’re on the brink of losing him.

This is the second book in the bestselling Confetti Hitched series, but it can be read as a standalone.

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       I moan despairingly when I see the time. “It’s ten o’clock. Oh god.”

      “Is there a problem?”

      Instead of answering, I tap a familiar number on my phone’s screen. “Come on, come on,” I mutter, pacing as I listen to it ring. “Climb off Lachlan’s dick and answer the phone.”

      “Who are you talking to, sweetheart?”

      The call connects. “What?” Joe says cautiously into my ear. I can’t begrudge him his air of worry.

      “I need a favour.”

      He groans. “Last time you said that we got fined for causing a public disturbance.”

      “No, this time it’s really bad,” I whisper. “I need you, Joe.”

       “Joe?” the man asks from behind me. “Who the fuck is Joe?”

      “Who’s that?” Joe asks.

      “No one,” I say over the insistent voice of the man who is now frowning at me—the man who appears to think we’re married.

      “It doesn’t sound like no one,” Joe says, his voice rich with amusement as my bedmate paces the room and shouts about people who cheat.

      “Well, it is,” I say in a quelling voice. “Joe, I’ve got the Hollis wedding today.”

      “Yeah, I know. You’ll be fine.”

      “That might be true if I’d gone to bed at an early hour in my own bed. Sober,” I add with emphasis.

      “Oh god,” Joe says.

      I walk back into the bedroom. “I know,” I whisper. “I woke up naked, and apparently, I’m now in some sort of a relationship I have no memory of agreeing to. I leave that sort of behaviour to you, mate.” Joe laughs. “This is serious,” I hiss. I look at my watch and groan. “The bride will arrive at the church in an hour.”

      I look over at my bedmate, who’s joined me in the bedroom and is still frowning. I ask him, “I don’t suppose you have a spare morning suit hanging around?”

      “I don’t know any dead people,” he snaps.


Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Something Borrowed, we are giving you a chance to win your choice of any book from Lily’s backlist! Three winners will be chosen!

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Confetti Hearts

Confetti Hearts Cover

Confetti Hitched, Book 1

Joe Bagshaw doesn’t believe in love or marriage anymore, which is rather a hindrance for a wedding planner.

His own marriage was a whirlwind affair that ended before the ink could dry on the wedding certificate. Nevertheless, even with his divorce pending, he’s getting by. Or at least he was until he finds himself snowed in at a remote Scottish hotel with the wedding party from hell, a terrible ABBA tribute band, and his soon-to-be ex-husband.

Lachlan has missed Joe from the second his husband walked away. He wants Joe back and is prepared to do anything to get him. Being snowed in together seems to offer the chance Lachlan needs, but does he have what it takes to get Joe to trust in love and their marriage again?

From bestselling author Lily Morton, comes a romantic comedy about love, matrimony, and the best of second chances.

This is the first book in the Confetti Hitched series.

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LilyMorton-Logo-TaglineAbout Lily:

Lily is a bestselling gay romance author. She writes love stories filled with heat and humour.

She lives in sunny England with her husband and two children, all of whom claim that they haven't had a proper conversation with her since she got her Kindle.

Lily has spent her life with her head full of daydreams, and decided one day to just sit down and start writing about them. In the process she discovered that she actually loved writing, because how else would she get to spend her time with hot and funny men?

She loves chocolate and Baileys and the best of all creations - Chocolate Baileys.

Connect with Lily:
Facebook | Lily's Snark Squad Facebook Group
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Website | Newsletter
Amazon Page | Goodreads | BookBub


Tuesday 23 July 2024

Blog Tour - Method Acting By N.R. Walker


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Release Tour & Giveaway:
Method Acting
By N.R. Walker

Method Acting Cover

Cover Designer: Natasha Snow
Model: Paolo  Photographer: Xram Ragde

Franklin University Series Season 2, Book 7

Chase Soria

Every budding actor knows acting is a difficult gig. There will be grueling auditions and punishing rejections. If you’re lucky, there’ll be roles that pay the bills and even roles that won’t.

Roles we don’t believe in.

But that’s what acting is—acting as if we do believe in them.

So when the semester’s production project is announced and I’m cast as one of the leads, I’m ecstatic. A lot of responsibility, a lot of work, but I’m up for it. Even when I find out what my role is and who my partner is. Amos, the brooding James Dean wannabe, is my on-screen boyfriend. Which is great, except for the fact he hates me.

I can do this. It’s just acting.

Nothing more.

Amos Beddington

The 90s are back, apparently. 90210 and Friends, but with a reality TV spin, which means cameras following us around as if they’re capturing the everyday lives of Franklin U students.

Me, but not me.

Me, with no more than a character description, no script or screenplay. Method acting, being the character 24/7, not just when the cameras are rolling. With a campus boyfriend.

Method acting is immersive and intense, and it can be confusing if the lines begin to blur. I mean, I’ve dreamed of being with the irritatingly gorgeous and annoyingly popular Chase Soria, and now I have to be his on-screen boyfriend?

I’m a good actor, sure. But how can I be convincing when I’m not sure I can even convince myself?

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of  Method Acting, N.R. is giving away 2 e-copies of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link:

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About the Author:

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.

She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since…

Connect with N.R.:


Monday 15 July 2024

Release Blast - Marrying Mr. Majestic by Lucy Lennox


Title: Marrying Mr. Majestic
Author: Lucy Lennox
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Wake Up Married in Vegas/Secret Billionaire
Fake Married/Small Town/Forced Proximity/One Bed
Late Bi-Awakening/Cowboy
Release Date: July 9, 2024


I’ve made myself into many things over the years. A Yale graduate. A brilliant corporate strategist. A city boy. And, though no one outside my inner circle knows it, a billionaire.

One thing I never expected to be? Accidentally married to a straight, small-town cowboy named Waylon, the pride and joy of… *checks notes*... Majestic, Wyoming.

Sadly, what happens in Vegas does not, in fact, stay in Vegas, and before I know it, I’m trying to track my erstwhile husband down, divorce papers in hand and thrift store clothes on my back, desperately hoping the stranger I married won’t realize he’s suddenly entitled to a lot more than that shiny gold ring on his finger.

Unfortunately, Way has other plans.

His town is counting on him as mayor to bring the lucrative AdventureSmash wilderness race to Majestic, and he refuses to sign my papers until the deal is done… which means me and my second-hand blue jeans will be hanging around a lot longer than I’d imagined, pretending our one-night whatever-it-was was a love match for the ages.

As it turns out, Majestic is more charming than I’d expected, and Way… is not entirely without charms himself. It also turns out he’s, ahem, not as straight as he thought he was.

Before I know it, dusty boots feel more comfortable than my shiny wingtips, coffee at the Love Muffin tastes better than Starbucks, and being the First Husband of Majestic starts to seem as important as any corporate merger I’ve ever negotiated.

But for a man with secrets to keep and a whole life waiting for him back in Manhattan, the only thing worse than Marrying Mr. Majestic… would be falling in love with him for real.



Free in Kindle Unlimited



Releasing September 10



Lucy Lennox is a USA Today bestselling author and winner of the A.C. Katt Gay Debut Novel Award.

After enjoying creative writing as a child, Lucy didn’t write her first novel until she was over 40 years old. Her debut novel, Borrowing Blue, was published in the autumn of 2016. Lucy has an English Literature degree from Vanderbilt University, but that doesn’t hold a candle to the years and years of staying up all night reading tantalizing novels on her own. She has three children, plays tennis, and hates folding laundry. While her husband is no shmoopy romance hero, he is very good at math, cooks a mean lasagne, has gorgeous eyes, looks hot in his business clothes, and makes her laugh every single day. She writes gay romance with heart, humor, and heat!


Sunday 14 July 2024

Release Blitz - The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project by Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey


Romeo and Juliet Project Banner

Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project
By Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey


Alpha Tau, Book 4

When Charlie Mercer meets a cute guy at a party during summer break, sparks fly. But Tanner never calls him. Typical. At least he has his sophomore year at Lassiter and his fraternity brothers at Alpha Tau to distract him—and maybe this will be the year he finally meets someone.

College is meant to be a new chapter in Tanner North's life, except he's still stuck in the shadow of his older brother, Colt. Not only is Tanner going to Lassiter like Colt did, he's also pledging to Kappa Beta Rho because Colt was chapter president there. Whatever. Tanner's not interested in getting involved in the dumb frat rivalry that Kappa Beta Rho has going on with Alpha Tau. He's just going to keep his head down and his grades up until he graduates.

It's a solid plan, right up until Tanner realizes that Charlie is a member of Alpha Tau. And it turns out that keeping their hands off each other is harder than they thought.

The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project is a lighthearted contemporary m/m romance containing a ruined phone, two melodramatic frat boys, and a romance that spans the width of an entire street. Or something.

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Charlie cleared his throat. “So, please don’t punch me in the face for asking or anything, but why did you drag me in here?”

“I like your face!” I blurted, like a fucking idiot.

Charlie was as wide-eyed as a raccoon by now. “Are you—are you flirting with me? Was that flirting? I might be wrong. I’m probably wrong. Again, please don’t punch me.”

“I wouldn’t punch you! I...” It was my turn to go red, if the heat rising to my face was any indication. There were probably a hundred different ways to tell a guy you thought he was cute, but I finished up lamely, again, with, “I like your face.”

But Charlie didn’t laugh. He smiled, and dimples appeared on his cheeks, making him three million percent cuter. I didn’t think that was a real number, but we’d moved into the real theoretical universe-bending stuff here. “I, um... I like your face too.”


His smile grew. “This is flirting, right?”

He said it like he was making fun of both of us and not just me.

“Yeah,” I said. “It’s pretty bad though. Sorry. I’m kind of new at it.”

He bit his lip, but that did nothing to stop his smile from growing again. “I like it. Can I...?”

And before I’d even figured out the question, he’d stepped closer, right into my space, and my answer was yes. Yes to anything because warmth was radiating off his skin, and he smelled like fabric softener and apple shampoo and some sort of scent that reminded me of walking through the men’s fragrance section in a department store where those guys spritzed you whether you liked it or not.

“Here,” he said and lifted his hand to my face. He tilted my chin up and leaned in and kissed me. It was a soft kiss at first, still a question, but when I reached up and pulled my fingers through his red curls, he opened his mouth and then our tongues were touching.

I’d kissed before, but it had never felt so electric, never so right. Never like my skin was suddenly a size too small to contain my body and bubbles were  bursting in my  bloodstream. I felt hot all over, almost dizzy with it, and if I didn’t have one hand in Charlie’s hair and the other one on his hip, I wouldn’t have been able to tell which way was up anymore. I would have been like an astronaut bumping around the capsule in zero gravity, except Charlie was keeping me tethered in place.

He ended the kiss, drawing back slightly and opening his eyes. “Wow.”

The word was a puff of warm air against my face, and I echoed it. “Wow.”

Charlie smiled, his eyes lighting up.

My lips tingled, and my heart beat faster. I’d told myself that when I got to Lassiter I was going to be out and if not proud, at least not in the closet and that I’d kiss a guy. And here I was, an entire three weeks ahead of schedule.

Go me.

IG Romeo Juliet Project Teaser 4

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project, Lisa & Sarah are giving away a $10 Amazon Voucher!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

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About the Authors:

Joint FB Group

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About Lisa Henry:

Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.

Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn't know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she's too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.

She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.

She shares her house with too many cats, a dog, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.

Lisa has been published since 2012, and was a LAMBDA finalist for her quirky, awkward coming-of-age romance Adulting 101, and a Rainbow Awards finalist for 2019’s Anhaga.

To connect with Lisa on social media, you can find her here:

Sarah Honey Pic

About Sarah Honey:

Sarah started life in New Zealand. She came to Australia for a working holiday, loved it, and never left. She lives in Western Australia with her partner, two cats, two dogs and a life-size replica TARDIS.

She spends half her time at a day job and the rest of her time reading and writing about clueless men falling in love, with a dash of humour and spice thrown in along the way.

Her proudest achievements include having adult kids who will still be seen with her in public, the ability to make a decent sourdough loaf, and knowing all the words to Bohemian Rhapsody.


Tuesday 9 July 2024

Release Blitz - Marrying Mr. Majestic by Lucy Lennox


Title: Marrying Mr. Majestic
Author: Lucy Lennox
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Wake Up Married in Vegas/Secret Billionaire
Fake Married/Small Town/Forced Proximity/One Bed
Late Bi-Awakening/Cowboy
Release Date: July 9, 2024


I’ve made myself into many things over the years. A Yale graduate. A brilliant corporate strategist. A city boy. And, though no one outside my inner circle knows it, a billionaire.

One thing I never expected to be? Accidentally married to a straight, small-town cowboy named Waylon, the pride and joy of… *checks notes*... Majestic, Wyoming.

Sadly, what happens in Vegas does not, in fact, stay in Vegas, and before I know it, I’m trying to track my erstwhile husband down, divorce papers in hand and thrift store clothes on my back, desperately hoping the stranger I married won’t realize he’s suddenly entitled to a lot more than that shiny gold ring on his finger.

Unfortunately, Way has other plans.

His town is counting on him as mayor to bring the lucrative AdventureSmash wilderness race to Majestic, and he refuses to sign my papers until the deal is done… which means me and my second-hand blue jeans will be hanging around a lot longer than I’d imagined, pretending our one-night whatever-it-was was a love match for the ages.

As it turns out, Majestic is more charming than I’d expected, and Way… is not entirely without charms himself. It also turns out he’s, ahem, not as straight as he thought he was.

Before I know it, dusty boots feel more comfortable than my shiny wingtips, coffee at the Love Muffin tastes better than Starbucks, and being the First Husband of Majestic starts to seem as important as any corporate merger I’ve ever negotiated.

But for a man with secrets to keep and a whole life waiting for him back in Manhattan, the only thing worse than Marrying Mr. Majestic… would be falling in love with him for real.



Free in Kindle Unlimited



Releasing September 10



Lucy Lennox is a USA Today bestselling author and winner of the A.C. Katt Gay Debut Novel Award.

After enjoying creative writing as a child, Lucy didn’t write her first novel until she was over 40 years old. Her debut novel, Borrowing Blue, was published in the autumn of 2016. Lucy has an English Literature degree from Vanderbilt University, but that doesn’t hold a candle to the years and years of staying up all night reading tantalizing novels on her own. She has three children, plays tennis, and hates folding laundry. While her husband is no shmoopy romance hero, he is very good at math, cooks a mean lasagne, has gorgeous eyes, looks hot in his business clothes, and makes her laugh every single day. She writes gay romance with heart, humor, and heat!


Monday 1 July 2024

Audiobook Tour - Studious by Leslie McAdam



Book Title: Studious (IOU #2)

Author and Publisher: Leslie McAdam

Narrator: Declan Winters

Release Date:  May 31, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Love tutor, virgin MC, reformed rake, nerd-popular, online bet

Themes: Self-acceptance, triumphing over past hurts, sweet and steamy, heart-warming

Heat Rating: 5 flames  

Length:  7 hours and 10 minutes

A standalone story within a series.

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


 Buy Links

 Audible US   |  Audible UK

Amazon US  |   Amazon UK 


After a disastrous high school game of spin the bottle, I gave up trying to get a boyfriend and spent my time studying instead. Now I’m twenty-four, and I’m not only a virgin, I haven’t even been kissed.

When I meet Danny, a handsome legal hotshot, he catches my eye. Right before I trip on flat ground. Ugh.

He’s got a massive … reputation. He’s the most popular guy in the club, a total playboy with a new conquest every night. There’s no way he’d be interested in me.

But one night after I imbibe too much, he winds up taking care of me. And when I ask for his help with my travesty of a social life, he agrees to teach me how to be less awkward with men … if I let him document my progress so he can win a bet with his best friend.

Even though he’s just my love tutor and I’m just his apprentice, this starts to feel like more.

Too bad it can’t be anything but a high-level seminar in how to seduce someone else.

Studious is a sweet and sexy contemporary opposites-attract m/m romance about a suave attorney who’s scared to love and the shy, nerdy bookkeeper he’s teaching how to be a player. Cue makeover montage and a smoldering first kiss. These heroes most definitely are not falling in love. (Okay, heartwarming HEA guaranteed.)

About the Author

Leslie McAdam is a California girl who loves romance and well-defined abs. She lives in a drafty old farmhouse on a small orange tree farm in Southern California with her husband and two children. Leslie's first published book, The Sun and the Moon, won a 2015 Watty, which is the world's largest online writing competition. She's gone on to receive additional literary awards and has been featured in multiple publications, including Her books have been Top 100 Bestsellers on both Amazon and Apple Books. Leslie is employed by day but spends her nights writing about the men of your fantasies.

Author Links

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Thursday 27 June 2024

Blog Tour - Our Radiant Embers by Zarah Detand


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Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Our Radiant Embers
By Zarah Detand

Our Radiant Embers Cover

Their rivalry? Explosive. Their chemistry? Magical.

When a regrettable drunken hookup becomes your partner in a high-stakes magical project, sparks are bound to fly—just not the kind Liam Morgan was hoping for. Teaming up with Adam Harrington, the golden boy of a legendary magical lineage, was not on his to-do list.

Adam, the epitome of tailored perfection, has accepted the need to lock his true self in the closet. Liam, on the other hand, wears his nonconformity like a badge of honour, challenging the elite’s silken norms with every step he takes.

Tasked with revolutionising urban development in an eco-friendly manner, their forced collaboration is marked by snark, resentment, and a magnetic undercurrent of attraction. But as their reluctant partnership turns into a bond that’s hard to deny, a plot for power simmers, threatening to unleash chaos that could sweep the city into a maelstrom of uncontrolled magic.

This contemporary MM romance is a romp through a magically infused London. It interweaves snappy banter, enemies to lovers, and political intrigue with a slow-burn kind of love that can save a city.

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Well then. Game face on.

I accepted a glass from a passing waitress with a murmured thanks. She shot me a surprised glance from underneath demurely lowered lashes, and right, yeah. Acknowledging the hired help was not industry standard in these circles. But five years ago, I might have been in her place—just enough magic potential to orbit around those who mattered.

I reminded myself that I belonged. No, I couldn’t trace my lineage back to, say, the Middle Ages—hell, I couldn’t even trace it past my grandmother. But I had every bloody right to be here. Even if I was wearing one of only two designer suits I owned while most people in this room had likely chosen from a whole wardrobe of options.

The practice of publicly ranking families on the strength of their magic had largely fallen out of favour, but we still catered to them, didn’t we?

Except I didn’t bow anymore. Not to anyone.

“Well,” a wry voice said from behind me. “Look what the cat dragged in.”

I didn’t bow to anyone, no. And especially not to Adam Harrington.

Slowly, leisurely, I turned and raised my glass in a friendly salute. “Adam. Opting for a tried and true classic on the insult front rather than using your brain?”

His smile didn’t waver. “I’d respond, but I’d rather not engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.”

God, he was infuriating. He carried himself with all the inbred entitlement of his family clout, a prince among commoners. Dark curls and hazel eyes that watched me with thinly veiled derision, and if I squinted just right, the warm, orange glow of his magic was so bright it bordered on blinding. Fun fact, though? He’d just about melted into me when I’d dragged my teeth along his throat.

IG Sized ORE Teaser 3

Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Our Radiant Embers, Zarah is giving away a paperback or eBook of the release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Direct Link:

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About the Author:

Author of M/M romances. Chaos monkey and coffee snob. Loves a good book, a well-crafted White Russian, and long walks to the closest supermarket.

People in love with other people is her jam, with a particular penchant for snappy dialogue and a slow burn that is all the more satisfying once it finally catches fire. Playing with tropes of the famous-meets-non-famous variation? Bring it on! Fake relationships? Yes, please. All’s fair as long as everyone gets their happy ending.

Connect with Zarah:
